Saturday, March 13, 2004

Really Relating Spiritually

From Mike Yaconelli: "I wake up most days with the humiliating awareness that I have no clue where Jesus is. Even though I am a minister, even though I think about Jesus every day, my following is...uh...meandering.

Surely there are guidelines to follow, principles to live by, maps to show us where to go, and secrets we can uncover to find a spirituality that is clean and tidy. I'm afraid not."

Spirituality is not a formula; it is not a test. It is a relationship. Spirituality is not about competency; it is about intimacy. Spirituality is not about perfection; it is about connection. The way of the spiritual life begins where we are now in the mess of our lives. Accepting the reality of our broken, flawed lives is the beginning of spirituality not because the spiritual life will remove our flaws but because we let go of seeking perfection and, instead, seek God, the one who is present in the tangledness of our lives. Sprituality is not about being fixed; it is about being present in the mess of our unfixedness."

That is what is on my mind this morning. I read it yesterday afternoon and can't get it out of my head...and it's the fourth time I've read the book.


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