Sunday, February 22, 2004

A Heartfelt Thank You

From Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies:

"Slowly I came back to life. I'd been like one of those people Ezekiel comes upon in the valley of the dry bones--people who had really given up, who were lifeless and without hope. But because of Ezekiel's presence, breath comes upon them; spirit and kindness revive them. And by the time I was well enough for Bill to consider tapering off our meetings, I had weaseled my way into his heart. I drank, he led a church, and together we went walking every week..."

I guess those of us who follow Christ have a story of someone whose spirit and kindness revived us. Thank you, Duffy. Thank you, Big Dave, Sr. I wonder where I'd be if the two of you didn't see extraordinary possibilities in a very ordinary & lifeless teenager.

And, thanks, God. Sometimes I forget about the Ezekiel's you used. And, sometimes I forget to be your Ezekiel. So, thank you.


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