Thursday, January 15, 2004

The Racket To Be In

Give me a portion of your salary, and I'll agree to take care of the financial portion of your problems just in case something happens. That's the deal. I'll hold your money, probably invest it and make some of my own money, and then, should you need help paying your bill...well...I'll take care of it.

Unless, well...I think the person providing the service is charging too much money for said service. In which case, I'll decide NOT to pay them, but I won't tell you. I'll just send a few letters to them about how they're overcharging. Then, you'll get a letter from the service provider telling you that I'm not paying. Then you'll call me. I'll have three or four people look into it. This will go on for about a month. Maybe two.

The the service provider will get together with a bunch of other providers of the same service who will all stop bothering to see you if you use my business. The only people who will see you are just now starting their own service provision, and we'll repeat the process with them until they get tired of it.

How is this better than the European model of health care again?

P.S. And, oh yeah, we agreed to protect your house, too. Just in case something bad happens like a tornado or hail or a fire. But, if there happens to be an inordinate amount of those happenings in any given time frame, we'll threaten to move out of your state unless the government agrees to raise the lowest possible rate to charge you.

Insurance is the best of all possible money-making rackets.


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