In an imaginary conversation with God, Leonard Pitts makes an interesting point in a column about Howard Dean's decision to bring his religious beliefs to the forefront of his campaign and why he hasn't so far:
''I've noticed that,'' said God. ``Up North, they act like I was a bad secret, something you don't mention in polite company. Down South, you can't shut 'em up. They call me out for every high school football game.''
And, following that up, Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow talked about an incident that happened to him waiting to get his oil changed. A guy tried to "witness" to him despite his trying to read:
"Christians are called to witness, yes. But clumsy, intrusive witnessing hardens hearts and drives people away. Maybe it makes him feel good to say he witnessed to 10 people that day. But what if nine are pushed further from God?"
Topping it all off was a bumper sticker I saw yesterday. It had the word "Marriage" in big letters, followed by the "=" sign. This was followed by the international symbol for a man's restroom holding hands with the international symbol for a woman's restroom. Underneath were words to the effect that this is the way God intended it followed by the name of a Christian organization.
Seems to me that Christians need to take a good, hard look at Matthew 5--7 and realize that being "salt and light" and being the "light of the world" entails so much more than verbage. It's bothersome that being right seems to be more important than winning souls among my tribe.
Since I'm pretty hot about this: Shut up, walk worthy, live abundantly, give glory to God. It ain't that difficult.
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