Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Started today with a bike ride along a canal in 55 degree weather...lots of time to think and the thought that came into my mind is that the effects of legalism--spirituality based in following rules--are crushing to the spread of the Gospel, particularly in this "post-postmodern" world. For the Christians, the end result is disillusionment. For the unbeliever, following a list of rules (and, let's face it, most of the stuff on those lists of spiritual behaviors aren't "fun"/interesting and that list of "not-to-do's" can actually be enjoyable) hardly produces a true spirituality. The end result for them is disinterest.

Anyone have any ideas why living a grace-based life and letting others live one is so hard to do? Why is it so difficult to live our lives before Christ alone and give others the freedom to do so as well?


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