Thursday, July 17, 2003

Here in Holland, bicycles are the primary mode of transportation for the populace. It’s flat here. The weather is nice enough to pleasantly do that, and the government helps out as well with the laws and labor to provide bike paths that can get you across your neighborhood or into other countries. Plus it’s traditional…from generations ago. It works here.

My question is why doesn’t the IDEA of public transportation work in Dallas (or the majority of America, for that matter)? Public transportation is the great equalizer of capitalism. I mean, if you want to get a better job or whatever, you aren’t limited because of your inability to purchase/insure/maintain your own vehicle, or risk doing so on credit. So the idea is good in and of itself.

Then there’s the start-up/maintenance expense of public transport…but wouldn’t that be balanced out by simply not expanding the highways and interstates and channeling the money to the? Man, if Disney can have a public transportation system that’s free (okay, maybe they hide it in the $5.00 soda in the souvenir cup) and the trains run on time, couldn’t a city.

It’s better for the environment…and if you wanted to rent a car for the week for personal trips away or vacations or whatever, the money you save each MONTH in INSURANCE alone would provide you with resources to do those infrequent rentals.

And, while you’re commuting, you can read. Or converse with friends. Or think.

I guess when it’s all said and done, the reality is that Americans prefer convenience/accessibility to common sense. Which, when you think about it, also explains the popularity of country music…


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