Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Rob Bell Really Believes

Worth 54 seconds of your time, IMHO:


Good advice.


Blogger Keith Ferguson said...


Isn't the challenge with Rob's statement in this video that we can all use the same words and mean different things? Isn't the debate less about whether Rob believes in heaven and hell and more about what he believes heaven and hell to be?

I have Mormon neighbors who could repeat all of what Rob said in his speech - they believe in Jesus. But they believe something different about Jesus. It is not enough that we believe in things - it is also important what we believe about things, no?


9:43 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Keith, my point in posting this was the last sentence. I've lost way more respect for some very big names in Christian circles by their treatment of Rob than I have for his ambiguities...I'm all for discussion of his work. I'm not at all for all the infighting, and many of the attacks from prominent believers who haven't read his work.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Keith Ferguson said...

Point made and agreed with. People should read before they speak.

However, Rob's strongest critics are those who have read his book and responded in kind (Witherington, Bock, DeYoung, etc.) - reporters and theologians and pastors who took the time to digest his ideas and critique his writing.

I have a hard time buying the line that somehow Bell is the victim in this whole deal. If you publish a book and earn a large profit from the publishing of that book and do public interviews on that book and do a promotional tour for that book, then expect for your ideas to be critiqued in public, right?


2:50 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

No question that he wrote & published a book which can certainly be critiqued. Agreed.

And I personally have issues with what, IMHO, is sloppy exegesis and some poor interpretations I ran across in the book. It certainly didn't strike any chords with me.

But, instead of saying that, and expressing loving concern for the pastor- many chose to brand him a heretic and did so harshly and unlovingly. Maybe I'm mellowing in my advancing age, but when our infighting gets played on the nightly news before a watching world, well, I'm not so sure the Kingdom wins...I thought Eugene Peterson handled it beautifully.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Peterson's quote: "Rob Bell and anyone else who is baptized is my brother or my sister. We have different ways of looking at things, but we are all a part of the kingdom of God. And I don’t think that brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God should fight. I think that’s bad family manners.

I don’t agree with everything Rob Bell says. But I think they’re worth saying. I think he puts a voice into the whole evangelical world which, if people will listen to it, will put you on your guard against judging people too quickly, making rapid dogmatic judgments on people. I don’t like it when people use hell and the wrath of God as weaponry against one another.

I knew that people would jump on me for writing the endorsement. I wrote the endorsement because I would like people to listen to him. He may not be right. But he’s doing something worth doing. There’s so much polarization in the evangelical church that it’s a true scandal. We’ve got to learn how to talk to each other and listen to each other in a civil way."

4:59 PM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

Eugene Peterson is brilliant in so many ways.

Frankly, I liked the book. Didn't agree with everything.

But I think Bell is extremely clear he's a Christian and I think he's clear about what he believes about Christ.

AND...I won't even discuss the book with those who haven't read it. Even if they read the best review in the world by the best reviewer, I don't care. Read it and think for yourself and then let's chat...in a loving and thoughtful manner.

Thanks for posting this clip. I had not seen it (and I thought I'd seen EVERYTHING about this book).

6:20 PM  

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