Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Strange Day

Worked out at the local gym...I could see a brief downpour from the windows as I treadmilled. But it was short-lived and I was able to get in yard mowing.

Ate lunch and did some reading. The wind howled pretty good and I heard what I thought was hail. It was. Pea-size at first. Then marble sized. Then, literally, some golf ball sized. Then the tornado sirens went off. Naturally, I raised the garage door (actually, Tracy did) to see what all the hullabaloo was about. It rained hard for 10 minutes.

All clear.

Within half an hour of tornado sirens it was sunny & beautiful, and I went shopping for dinner. Within an hour and a half of the tornado sirens I was standing in front of a grill cooking up the meat portion of the meal.

Then I watched a baseball game that was played in one of those stadiums that has a retractable roof...and it snowed.

It was like Nostradamus was pulling all sorts of levers yesterday, man.


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