Sunday, February 17, 2008

So, Today I'm Thinking...

...that mid-February is the worst time for entertainment options. The movies that are released are usually the worst of the year, the NFL's gone but no baseball and regular-season college/pro basketball just doesn't get it done, and released music is done later in the year to get Grammy buzz. And with the TV writer's, it's a wasteland out there.
...that it's interesting to me that I can get into double-digit comments with a "love compatibility checker" but no one comments on the Jeremiah entries. And folks wonder why I don't want to get into the publishing world.
...about how the folks that run bookstores must keep up with pop culture, because Kid2 purchased a book right after seeing a movie (our newest strip mall allows for this behavior) in which one of the characters had a love for "Jane Eyre." I wondered how many other girls did the same thing, and if B&N had enough copies. I'm okay with this behavior, and hope the retailer is well stocked.
...after I read an article about how school kids were inspired by reading "The Great Gatsby," I wondered what required reading book in high school inspired me. There weren't many, but I distinctly remember that Golding's "Lord of the Flies" really got me thinking about the nature of human nature. I did a big report on that, and still am fascinated by that topic.
...that I got a ringtone maker for my birthday and I understand that music I purchased from the iTunes store won't convert, but I can't understand that not all of the music I installed from a CD made it to the files I need them in. They're in my iTunes library, and some of the stuff I loaded is in there, but others I loaded can't be found. Weird. It's fun picking out songs for friends and family to make ringtones out of, though.
...that it's awfully hard for me to enjoy the week that I'm preaching. It's a strange time, really, and it already has dawned on me that I have to get a sermon polished this week. I'm not even finished with my teaching for today for cryin' out loud.'s pretty funny about how certain habits move through generations. I had a very brief reaction after having a glass of red wine on two occasions and began to wonder if I might need to go see a cardiologist. Kid1 had a 24-bug and she sensed larger issues were afoot and "something is really wrong." My higher-order life-liver sister and I chatted about that and remembered that, in our family, we were conditioned to "expect the worst, and hope for the best." This might explain why, after I trip on the last step while wearing Birks that briefly slipped off my foot, I wonder if I need a chromosome test to determine if I have a degenerative muscular disorder.
...that, to hear the Alabama papers tell it, Auburn should cancel football due to The Dark Side's recruiting class this year. Poor old Auburn, just can't catch a break, after only beating Alabama 6 times in a row and winning 41 games in 4 years. Am I the only one that thinks AU is in the best shape they've ever been in football wise?
...that if I hear anybody else my age talk about mid-life crisis I think I'll puke. I have no idea what they mean by it, and maybe I can't because I've always had a job I enjoy and been happy with my family life, but to hear guys buy jet-skis and have nice cars and 3,000 square foot homes surrounded by family that love them and all that jazz gripe about how they feel "empty," well, I can't relate.
...that I've been having some interesting conversations about what an "ideal" men's ministry and an "ideal" women's ministry look like and that gets the creative energy flowing. I like working together with interesting, talented and creative people. I think that's where I get inspired.
...that I don't get why stores get amped about sales for President's Day. Are folks getting a day off tomorrow for that? And shouldn't advertisers stop using "Hail to the Chief" in their promotions for it? I was cleaning the kitchen last night and during that half hour I heard the song four times in during a commercial break for a show.
...that the thunderstorms yesterday were nice because we didn't get the hail and such others in the area got.
...that it's very interesting to compare what you were taught or might've heard about history with what the magazines of that time period were saying about those same events (see yesterday's birthday entry). I think Americans might be the world leaders in glorifying the past. At least concerning the events of popular culture.
...Hemingway was a jerk. Talented and amazingly gifted, but by his own account awful to people. But don't think for a second that I wouldn't have wanted to hang out in Paris with him and Ezra Pound and Picaso and the other writers and artists that were there in the 1920's. I wonder if those kind of collectives exist during our times. too. My guess is that they'd be in places like New York and San Francisco or maybe Amsterdam.
...that I need to get on with my day.


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