Monday, December 03, 2007

There's Something Strange Going On Tonight...There's Something Going On That's Not Quite Right.

My wife's in the Bay Area taking pictures.
My goofy 15lb. dog, despite having an entire half of the bed all night, tried muscling me around to sleep on my side.
My neighbor's trees are finally starting to lose their leaves, and wind patterns are carrying them into my yard exclusively. His yard remains pristine.
My newspaper delivery was amidst an unusually large pile of leaves, and in the dark I blindly kicked around until my toes thumped it.
My dog seemed confused about all the noise kicking a large pile of leaves around in the driveway makes so early in the morning, but had no idea if I was angry or playing or what. I apologized to him anyway, and then wondered what I was sorry for.
My college team's football coach is being abnormally coy about whether or not he's returning next season.
My coffee is some special roast thing I'm not very crazy about but feel obligated to finish before buying another blend.
My request to have people give feedback on our 5 O'Clock Worship service is peculiar because about half the responses say they really like one thing and the other half say they dislike that same thing.
My angel on one shoulder says go to the gym early, and the devil on the other says don't even bother.
My book stack has books that seemed so interesting when I bought them that have already lost their allure even though they just sat there for a few weeks.
My Christmas list screams for something fun but the money'd be better spent more practically this year.
My music choices on iTunes don't seem to fit what I'm looking for no matter what I choose.
My list of chores to do today is very small and the need to get done, but I can't seem to make myself care.

Nothing's wrong, per se.

But nothing seems quite right, either.

Very peculiar


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