Thursday, December 27, 2007

Back In Business

The Burnside Writers Collective always gets my brain going...and this week's edition got my synapses firing like nobody's business.

This quote's from an interview with Rob Bell. He was asked his thoughts about what other folks in evangelicalism are criticizing him about:

"I don’t have any specific reaction. I mean, what our general culture has come to see as mainstream Christian faith is an absolutely sick, twisted and perverted version of anything Jesus had in mind.

So the idea that people have perpetuated and propagated a system that is absolutely sick and distorted at its core, and then pass judgment on others who are pursuing the way of Jesus in a way that they are passionate about as being far more historically credible and true to the original intentions of Jesus’ movement, that’s just - that’s crazy.

I think a lot of people who have appointed themselves as the gatekeepers of what it means to be Christian are not, and assume they have authority that they do not. They just don’t. They have lost their authority and culture. Nobody’s listening and no one cares."

You can get the rest of the article here.

And... you can tell...

...we're on the on-ramp to a full-throttle 2008, folks. I feel it in my bones.


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