Saturday, August 04, 2007

Blue Like...

It's summer.

It's getting hotter, but those of us in Texas have a skewed view of things like that. We say things like, "Man, it sure is kinda nice to be able to sit outside when it's this mild in August." It's 94 degrees.

And the blog topics aren't coming at much of a rapid pace, either. I mean, I have thoughts on Auburn finding a kicker or the Teixeira trade or the bridge in Minnesota or the state of the church...just nothing that's really blog worthy.

So, I thought what I'd do is challenge myself a bit, but I need your help.

I'm thinking I might just haul off and commit to two weeks or so doing entries each day on a book of the Bible. You know, kinda imitating my journaling habits each day (which Bill talked about in his sermon a couple of weeks ago). In reality, opening up The Diner for what usually goes on behind closed books. Gotta warn you, though: I was doing "Donald Miller" type entries likely before Donald Miller became Donald Miller. They may have been bad Donald Miller type entries, but stylistically and thematically, very similar.

Where I need your help is on what book of the Bible or portion of Scripture or topical study thing would the patrons like to hear from me about? Feel free to make suggestions and I'll start on Monday...

*pours coffee and waits, knowing weekend attendance is down, but hoping to get something that sparks his interest during this short time frame*


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