Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Who Needs X-Box?

Last night, I was banished to the back of the house for a two-fold purpose: First, and currently foremost, we're having "McKinney Mandatory Fun Night" this weekend to take in the new release of the third installment of the "Bourne" movies--which, by the way, dominate James Bond movies--and Kid2 hadn't seen the first one yet. Kid1 hasn't seen the 2nd one, and I need a refresher for this weekend. So, we piled up and watched Jason Bourne try to figure out who he was and who he worked for and try to get the girl.

The secondary reason was there was a houseful of teens who are serving our church's music camp this know, helping the kids learn the music and hand motions and teaching Bible studies...and in order to be good leaders they participate in the activities. In order to prepare for today's "Mr. Potato" competition among age/grade groups, in which they decorate potatoes to win prizes based on creativity, they were in our kitchen with art supplies and the requisite vegetable.

And the laughter that came out of my kitchen last night was so enjoyable to hear, even from the back.

They amused themselves with the "Amputato" and the "Pope-tato" (complete with funny hat) and "Super Spud" and one even had a painted toenail on one and called it the "Pota-TOE." The terms couch potato, potato chip, potato salad, hot potato were all executed with cleverness and creativity.

I don't care who wins.

But the fun that happened in my house was one of those "pure life moments" I enjoy over any other way to spend an evening.


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