Saturday, August 12, 2006

Using The Powers For Good & Not Evil

I decided to get serious about the links and all that jazz on the know, go through them and "weed out" the ones I don't use any more and all that. I thought one effective use of the space would be to compile a list of places where you could get stuff to help you along the spiritual journey of following Christ.

The catch is that they have to be absolutely free. No required fee or money or credit card number required. I'd be ok with some sort of free registration (like an e-mail address & zip code kind of thing), but I only want to give links that folks can get good stuff at no cost.

Oh yeah, and I'll need a small description of why you like it, too.

And in an effort to keep from filling it up with less than the best stuff, you can only submit ONE site...only the very best one you'd recommend. However, you can add blog pages of pastors and missionaries and youth workers as often as you'd like.

So, for example, I'd submit Dallas Seminary's Podcast Page. There you can get some of the best chapel services and all that from some of the best minds in the country. All free, brutha! In fact, I'm downloading their "roundtable discussion" on the "Emerging Church" right now. I've got grass to mow today and I'll need some good stuff.

So, what do I need to add?


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