Friday, August 25, 2006

Church Sign...Again

The local congregation is at it again with their church sign. Normally, I get on them for their folksy hokiness, but this time it's different. Today, it reads, "None of us is as smart as all of us."

I disagree.

I mean, in sociology class in university we studied mob mentality and what incites a I guess if the group assembled were a violent group, or a dumb group, or a disorganized group then the group would be in trouble.

It reminded me of the bumper sticker I saw that read, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

I know there are more important things than church signs...but they wanted me to read it. So I'm guessing they wanted me to think about it. And, if I have a misread on the sign, please fill me in, because that's how I took it.


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