Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Reading Provocation

For work, somebody gave me a book called "Why Men Hate The Church."

It notes that nearly 2/3 of any Sunday morning attendance is comprised of women, and it mentions certain personality types of men that tend to be there.

It notes how most men don't like singing.

It notes continual verbage such as "share" & "intimacy with God."

It notes that most churches have men's ministries that really only follow the pattern of the weekly women's ministry...and all men's ministry is at most churches is a monthly breakfast and a yearly retreat.

The thing that got me was that it talked about how children's and student ministries tend to be appealing to growing boys...for example, more visual learning or more enthusiastic music or more fellowship events or small group "guy stuff" (like paintball or football...bringing to mind my annual ultimate frisbee game coming up with all the guys small groups!)...and then that changes when you hit "big church."

Like most books, there is grass and there are weeds, but by-and-large some of the stuff is hard to argue with.

I did think it'd be fun to get a Diner reader's perspective what characteristics you see in churches that would cause men to think less favorably about them.




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