Friday, January 20, 2006

Mid-Life Crisis?

Well, "crisis" is too strong a word.

What I'm experiencing is more like an "unrest" combined with an "urgency." I mean, as I approach 40, it's becoming apparent that I'm about halfway through life here...and it seems there's so much to do and so little time.

It seems like I'm only beginning to "get" life. To understand it. To keep from getting my groove thrown off. I feel like I finally have a handle on the condition of the universe and my place in it.

And even though my eyes are missing some little stuff even with glasses on, (Right, Katherine? She had to show me the correct button on a remote control because I couldn't read the stuff under the buttons--my first genuine middle-age moment!), I feel like I'm just beginning to gain a platform to have some degree of influence...and to fail to use it wisely and effectively would border on sin.


These are the thoughts bouncing around in my brain at this point.

It's going to be a strange day.


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