Friday, October 14, 2005

Off To Pine Cove

Still gotta get the rental van for the high school team.
Still gotta pack.
Still gotta get some stuff done at the office before I can ship out.
Still gotta perform a wedding tonight before I leave.
Still gotta get back and teach Sunday School, which usually cuts it pretty close.

But I'm off to Pine Cove. It's a retreat camp in East Texas. Far from cell phones and internet.

I can't put my finger on it, because it's hardly a sress-free weekend, but it's a great place to get away...even if it's only for two days.

And I need it, brutha. I need it.

So, the Diner will re-open on Monday morning.

*flips over sign on the door that says, "Sorry, we're closed." lowers blinds. turns out the light*


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