Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Morning Provocation

From author Mark Steele in flashBANG: How I Got Over Myself.

"This is what holds most performers back. It's called chorophobia, or in short: the fear of dancing. Not a fear of choreography. Believe me. There is a distinct difference.

Choreography is the dance that is planned. No one trained to dance fears a dance that is planned. Yet so many--even those who love to dance--fear the dance of the spontaneous moment, the dance of life. The willingness to aggressively and with great abandon follow as life and God lead. To be the improvisational partner, leaning entirely on theother as the dance progresses. It's is the risky choice. The dance that is so frightening and so satisfying and may turn the corner to disaster at any given moment because, despite the fact that we are flexible and passionate, we do not know what step will come next.

That is the dance that we fear."


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