Friday, September 23, 2005

Everybody Out!

Ever seen about a million people trying to evacuate an area that's not designed to transport about a million people?

It isn't pretty.

Everybody's being extra cautious in south Texas. Lessons have been learned well lately when the subject is hurricanes.

So, the mayors said everybody's gotta get out. Good call.

Now the issue is generally traffic related: Interstates (of which there are only two of any significance) and highways are clogged. It takes people about 10 hours to go 50 miles. And, since this state is gloriously close to the sun, people sitting in 102 degree temperatures going nowhere are getting sick without enough water and their cars are overheating, they're running out of gas, hotels are full off I-35 until you get north of Oklahoma. Tempers are flaring.

In our little community (keep in mind we're some 275 miles north or Houston), gas stations were running out of regular unleaded as of last night and people have already called our church looking for some help for minor things...

This is so surreal when it's sunny and 102 degrees outside.


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