Thursday, December 30, 2004

Things I like…
…a mouthful of sunflower seeds and spitting the shells.
…board games like Life and Operation.
…rain, a fireplace using real firewood, and a new book.
…snow skiing in Colorado (eventually, I’d like to do it without chaperoning 70 teenagers to see if it actually gets better than it already is).
…banana splits with my daughters, anytime, anywhere.
…New York City…at least from Manhattan to Times Square and Central Park.
…flannel pants, sweatshirts and Birkenstocks
…my new hammock and the mild Texas weather.
…the quiet of early morning with a good cup of coffee and my Bible.
…getting a new CD you’ve wanted and listening to it while you drive.

Things I don’t like…
…wearing shoes in my house.
…telemarketers and spammers.
…people who are cruel to animals and vice-versa.
…strikes by professional athletes.
…putting the Christmas stuff back in the attic.
…staring at a computer screen knowing what you need to write and then not being able to make that happen.
…exit ramps on the left.
…stupid pet tricks.
…society’s lack of value on public transportation.
…the Bowl Championship Series (not only because my team got screwed but it makes all the other bowl games terrible).


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