Friday, October 24, 2003

This morning, my daughter comes strolling in wearing a tie-dyed shirt, colored sun glasses (two different color lenses) and a headband with some jeans. She said it's "60's Day" at school. If the kids walking to school in my neighborhood this morning are any indication, there will be a high percentage of student participation on "60's Day."

I think it's funny that a grownups idea of a "day" is when they have something like "Business Casual Friday." I think we could all use a little bit of additional "fun factor" in our lives as we grow up. The problem is that there generally is minimal participation when they actually do send around a memo saying it's okay to dress up for Halloween or wear green stuff on St. Patrick's Day or whatever.

Of course, who am I to talk? Pretty much every day to me is "Pacific Northwest Grunge Day" which continues my fashion trend of staying about a decade behind what's cool...

But, Happy 60's Day to all the kids at Prairie Trail Elementary! Rock on!


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