Saturday, August 09, 2003

"Are you ready, Dad?"

Kelsey asked me this as we were about to go into the middle school orientation this morning. In the spirit she asked the question, yes, I was indeed ready. I was fully prepared for the meeting with a brand new legal pad at the ready.

And you know what? I'm ready in the other sense, too. Today I saw her as a pre-teen instead of a child. She managed to get her locker open (and decorated in a chic manner, too, complete with shelves, mini-mirror, mini-whiteboard, and magnetic pockets...several moms asked where to get that stuff, so kudos to the wife for keen foresight) after the first instruction, she navigated the hallways, she met her new teachers with confidence and poise, she chatted with friends, she yelled at the mini-pep rally, she made eye-contact with THE BOY but successfully kept me from sitting with THE BOY'S dad during the lunch...

Yes, Kelsey. I'm ready. I'm ready because you are so ready. Godspeed. You are one great kid...


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