Saturday, June 28, 2003

Stuff I've tried to "get" and simply don't: Golf...hunting and/or people...soap operas...card game players...people who truly believe that government/politics changes anything...stereotypical retirees (which, as far as I can tell, retirement is not even a biblical concept***see below, Jilly) line dancing...suburban thought processes...people who equate Republican and Christian...fear-based parenting and the people who read such literature...70's classic rock...Baby Booomers...

Stuff I "get" that others in orbit around me don't comprehend: wrestling...disc golf (if you can't see the differences between this and "real" golf then that only proves my point)...subtle comedy movies (i.e. "Raising Arizona" or "Spinal Tap") as well as low brow comedies (i.e., "Old School" or "Dumb and Dumber")...Doestoyevsky...punk and grunge...wanting 300 TV channels...spending too much money on a really good reading chair...satire and sarcasm (which may be among my spiritual gifts)...GenX views of religion, government, and business...MTV...

Some days I feel very far afield from my fellow man. Today is one of those days.

***and no, Jilly, you're not stereotypical. I see your situation as finding out new colors in your parachute or finding your cheese or whatever other stupid business literature you so wonderfully and desperately manipulated for your own personal gain and escaped that I think of it, I'd define your lifestyle as "higher order living")


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