Saturday, November 06, 2010

Teach Your Children Well

comic courtesy ArcaMax Publishing


This is what it looks like when you combine "teaching to the test" with "test-taking strategies" and "class ranking" with "education as success" mindsets.

So many of my students don't want to think anymore...just get the "right" answer, do well on the test, make mom and dad proud, try to get into a good college, etc. This includes my Sunday School and Bible study groups, folks.

And, don't get me wrong...I'm not saying that my academic achievement in high school consisted of exploring the condition of the universe and my place within it. Not at all.

There simply wasn't societal pressure of standardized testing and anyone who with a diploma could pretty much get into a state school.

And I have NO solutions or quick-fix ideas at the moment, either. It's simply the way it is.


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