Sunday, April 15, 2007

Jim and Casper Went To Church...Final Installment

Same old situation.

Same old ground rules.

Scroll down to day 1's entry to get on board.

Some questions and quotes from the final chapter:

From Jim: Are we in the preaching business or the people changing business? If preaching for twenty to sixty minutes every week is as critical to our spiritual well-being as it has been made to sound, then why didn't Jesus use this method more often?...We need to honestly admit that, in fact, Jesus didn't give a whit about church services. He cared about loving and serving others and introducing them to a personal God who not only loves them but more important, likes them.

From Casper: What does the way Christianity is practiced today have to do with the handful of words and deeds uttered by a man who walked the earth two thousand years ago?

From Casper: Jim asked me what I'd say to Christians everywhere, if I could, and I think it's quite simple. There are two rules we must live by to live healthy, happy lives with each other and with everyone on the planet: 1) Be open-minded. Learning is the best thing that can happen to anyone. 2) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

So, to Jim and Casper, thanks for your work...I enjoyed the read and appreciate your efforts.

And, to Diner patrons, thanks for the discussion this week. I enjoyed those reads and appreciate your insights, too!


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