Friday, April 06, 2007

Coudn't Have Said It Better Myself

From this morning's Dallas Morning News EDITORIAL page, 3rd of three:

"Time to get your mind right.

Starting today at 1:05 p.m., for the next nine innings (and, if you're lucky, bonus frames), let's resolve to not discuss:

Iraq. Afghanistan. Global warming. Taxes. Medicare and/or Medicaid. Seamless mass transit. Immigration, illegal or otherwise. Alberto Gonzales or his boss.

We have better things to talk about: middle relievers, runners at second and third, can we please turn two and, of course, "He was out, you bum!"

Clever marketing campaigns aside, your hometown Texas Rangers are right. You really do need some baseball. Despite the forecast, we're hoping for good weather. Baseball is best seen outdoors in the sunshine, and whatever they're calling The Ballpark these days (OK, Rangers Ballpark in Arlington) provides one of the best venues in America.

But a coolish, cloudy or even rainy day at the yard is better than just about any other day anywhere else.

On the occasion of the Rangers' 2007 home opener, let us predict you won't see grass so green and perfectly lush, drink a beer so cold and refreshing or inhale a hot dog so, er, hot-doggy (and, just this once, you won't even wonder what's inside).

Let those peanut shells fall where they may. Nacho cheese fulfills one of your four food-group requirements (and, as a bonus, sliced jalapeƱos count as a vegetable serving).

Most important, of course, is what happens on the field. If you're fortunate enough to have a child (or can borrow one for this special day), be sure to explain why that man near third base is gesturing so and what it might mean, even if you're not 100 percent sure.

Think of today as the one day you can pay to watch the Rangers play, secure in the knowledge that they have as good a chance as anyone of winning it all. Don't worry too much about those first three games in Anaheim.

No, we're not completely sold on their starting pitching, but work with us here. Today is for optimists. Get your mind right, and join us at The Ballpark."

It is time to get my mind right.
I won't discuss anything work-related, war-related, politics related, global-warming related, etc.
I really do needs me some baseball.
I won't worry too much about those three games in Anaheim.
And, now that you mention it...

...I WILL join you at The Ballpark.

I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy the home opener.


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