Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It Ain't Rocket Science

I did my normal yardwork routine yeterday: Have iTunes download my sermon subscriptions from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Imago Dei in Portland, and Mosaic in Los Angeles. That usually covers my hour and 45 minutes per week to mow/edge/weedeat, etc. Then I load it on the iPod. Then I put it in the iSnug armband holder and get to work.

Anyway, I heard one of the most concise, effective and challenging Easter sermons. You can listen, if you have Quicktime, here.

If you'd like to download it, you'll have to subscribe on iTunes podcasts or you can go to their website, Mars Hill Church and click on their Easter (04/16/06, 1 Corinthians 15) sermon.

If you're alread a follower of Christ, you'll find an excellent overview of why we believe what we believe.

If you're not, you'll get to understand what we believe and why we believe it froma very unthreatening perspective.

Also, Imago Dei's Pastor Rick podcast on Palm Sunday was very challenging...very insightful regarding Global Night Commute, Vancouver. My friend Steve-O and his lovely wife Mish (who is also my friend!) will be there...and in fact, will be having a meeting with the band Switchfoot to try to help raise awareness to this incredible issue.

It may be 95 degrees in April, but yard work ain't all bad when you're listening to stuff like that.


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