Thursday, September 23, 2004

Maybe I AM With It, After All!

Well, at least I hang out with people that are with it. My friend Adam, a fellow youth pastor in my area who really is "with it" (some of the coolest people I know are Lutherans...when did they corner the market on cool?) blogged yesterday about "old buzz words" in Christian circles and apparently came up with a few of his own. Here's a sample of some of his fine work...

Old Buzz Word= Emerging, Emergent: coming into existence, new
as in...Emerging Church or Emerging Worship...a buzzword used to describe ministries that are in touch with the current trends of world culture and are adjusting to it...mostly using ancient future styles
New buzz word= Converging, Convergent: coming together from different directions
as in...Converging Church of Converging Worship...a new and improved buzz word that even emerging people won't know...used to describe ministry that combines intergenerational preferences and breaks down specialized ministries into simplistic converging strategies

Old Buzz Word= Generation X or Generation Next or Generation Y: the young generation emerging in our culture. Church's use this term to say that they are reaching young people in a hip, extreme, and usually in your face, no boundaries kind of way
New Buzz Word= Generation Echt: (exht) which means real, genuine, not fake or counterfeit. We will use this term to describe this new generation because it seeks truth and we will offer it without all the fancy pyrotechnics, rock bands, and fancy t-shirts...just plain echt truth...

(my favorite one)
Old Buzz Word= Purpose Driven: motivated by purpose. Church's use this highly copyrighted buzz word to say that their church is not motivated by WHAT they do but rather WHY they do it
New Buzz Word= Spirit Goaded: motivated/compelled by an unseen force or spirit
as churches we will be able to use this uncomfotable term to let people know that we are led by the spirit and that everything we do comes straight from God so people will be unable to criticize us and we will have license to do whatever we want.

For my readers, there are others, too. Nice work, Adam.
(*riding Adam's 'with it' coattails using a surfing-type body motion*)


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