Monday, April 19, 2004

Another Good Idea Nobody Does, Including Me

Some group somehow gets in the news media every year with some idea about the whole nation turning their televisions off for the week. Of course, the television newscasts don't get too involved in this coverage, but it gets in the newspapers.

Anyway, I found this quote:

"I am in the final handful of American novelists who learned to read and write before they learned to eat a daily helping of video bulls_ _ _. This might not be important. On the other could do worse than strip your television's electric plug-wire, wrap a spike around it, and then stick it back into the wall. See what blows, and how far. Just an idea...Reading takes time, and the glass teat takes too much of it." --Stephen King

On the way to church yesterday, my oldest daughter, upon hearing a radio advertisement for 275 channels of satellite dish programming, said, "Yeah, 275 channels of crap for $29.95 a month."

Also, yesterday, a newspaper columnist noted that in well-to-do households, the television wasn't prominent (more likely having it's own room somewhere or hidden within a nice piece of furniture) and in low-income houses he visited that the house may not be that great the the tv's were awesome and often those he interviewed did the talking while watching the television.

I could go on, but you get the point. Maybe this "Great American TV-Out" (or whatever they call it) should get more attention.

I'm going to go read a book.


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