Wednesday, February 04, 2009

One Of My Hot Buttons...Again

Frequent patrons of The Diner are well aware of my belief that many of our teenagers have to deal with WAY more stress than I did when I was in high school. Here's a quote from Walt Mueller, widely considered as an expert in the study of the tribe of teenagers.

Try this on for size:

" also are being raised by parents (many in intact Christian families) who exert direct, stress-causing pressure. In my conversation with kids, the source of that stress typically falls within three categories.

There's the appearance pressure parents put on their kids when they actively and passively expect them to fit into the culturally defined model of body shapes, weights, complexions, etc. Don't ever underestimate its presence and power.

There's the academic pressure put on kids to achieve, some at levels beyond their capabilities and gifts.

Finally, there's the athletic pressure that has permeated our culture, in which kids are pushed in ways that make them burnout, crumble or even despise Mom and Dad." have at it, patrons! Agree/disagree & why?
And, more importantly, what, if anything, can/should be done about stressing out our teens/children?


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