Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Pledge Allegiance...To The Texas Flag...

There's a lot of hoopla on the news and in the paper about the phrase "under God" and the legality of such a phrase as it exists in the Texas Pledge...which school children repeat daily. Yes, after the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States.

There's a lot of sound reasoning on both sides of the argument as to whether it should remain in the pledge and very smart lawyers make a lot of money and get nice cars/houses to reason these things out in a court of law.

But has anyone bothered to ask why a Texas Pledge exists?

I know. I know.

I'm not a native Texan, therefore I couldn't possibly understand the plight of the Texas forefathers as they fought and died for my freedom to live in Texas...which... the way...


...rejoined the United States on March 30, 1870.

Texas Pledge?

Isn't that the question we should be asking?


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