Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Questions From Yesterday, Part 3

Flower Mound Mom asked, "Where do you see yourself two years from now? Five years? Ten years?"

Well, since I presented a plan for discipleship at the May elder meeting that involved an 8-year implementation timetable, I think it's safe to say that, today, I see myself at CBC doing what I'm doing. Two years from now, probably getting comfy with the plan as it engages. By year five, it'll probably have morphed a bit and been re-written some, but still in the implementation process. If it all goes according to Hoyle, maybe in 10 years CBC will have found something else for me to do.

Maybe I'll have written a book or two, especially once the girls have moved out and all. But if I haven't, that's okay, too. I might see if DTS or DBU has need of somebody to do some sort of teaching, too. But my primary focus will likely be at CBC, provided they'll still have me.

Hal asked, "What thoughts come to mind when you hear or see the name, Matt Sinatro?"

Well, Hal, I haven't seen or heard that name since high school, but I have vague remembrances of him as a back-up catcher for the Braves who we somehow started calling my next-door neighbor Matt "Sinatro" whenever we played our marathon backyard wiffle ball sessions even after we were old enough to drive.

Bonnye asked, "Politics: I am having a hard time with the candidates we have to choose from on the Conservative list. It seems like the front runners have been married several times. Do you think that failed marriages has anything to do with a candidates capabilities?"

In politics, when it comes to the Constitution, I'm a romantic, a patriot and an idealist. When it comes to politicians, I'm a realist (some say a cynic). While I believe our system of government to be the best in the world, I also believe that politicians say and do whatever it takes to get elected. Hence, I tend to evaluate them all as best I can and roll the dice with my vote since I don't really believe much of what I've read and heard. Ultimately, I don't think marriage or a failed marriage has much to do with a candidate's capabilities. I mean, when you think about it, Clinton's marriage hasn't "failed"...they're still together. Or is Bush's that great? We don't really know, do we? So, I try to stick to the issues and don't even limit myself to "conservative" or "liberal" labels. I've voted as extreme as Libertarian in some cases and independent and Republican and Democrat. I haven't voted straight party ticket since the Reagan years when it was cool to do that.

Anonymous asked, "What kind of arrangement have you made to cause all of this rain???? (I know you must somehow be at the root of this...rain lover!)

I haven't made any arrangements to cause it...but I'm continuing to go left sock, right sock, right shoe, left shoe when I'm getting dressed because I'm kind of superstitious that way and since I did that on the first day of rain, I'm sticking with it.

Mrs. Bowe asked, ""Suppose" the government were to remove Christian bookstores (e.g. Family Christian Bookstore, Mardel, Lifeway etc.) and self proclaimed Christian radio from American society, what would be the result?"

I think Christians would spend more time reading their Bibles and discussing it with each other, building community and doing life together. We'd also have a clearer understanding of doctrine and theology and why it matters rather than a lot of people using the same words but having different definitions. This muddies up a lot of things when there are stark differences in theological beliefs and how they are lived out, and people who should know better don't...and it's because they hear Super Radio Preacher say one thing, and their church uses those same words, but Super Radio Preacher has a distinctly different meaning of those words--which results in a different application altogether. And people aren't picking up the subtleties.

Now, on a personal note, it's awfully hard for us as pastors. I mean, we try to be good teachers and we try to serve our congregations and love our folks, and while we give our best, it's awfully tough to be compared to the Swindolls or Stanleys or Bells or McKinleys out there. There's a reason those guys are on the radio and have podcasts downloaded by the thousands, folks...and occasionally, competence gets buried because of comparison.


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