Thursday, November 27, 2003

Predictably & Sterotypically...
Things I'm Thankful For (in no particular order):

A gracious and loving God who chose me, adopted me and sealed me for reasons I'm still trying to figure out.

A wife who truly gets more beautiful the more I get to know her...and for 15 years of marriage to try to do just that.

Two daughters who make my life more abundant by just being in it.

A church family that loves me (warts and all), and shows me that they do on a regular basis.

Working on a church staff of authentic followers of Christ, who give "professional" Christians a better reputation.

Not ever having missed a meal. In fact, the opportunity to over eat is closer to my reality.

The relationship I have with my higher-order life-liver sister.

Coach Gino, Mrs. Swindle and Dr. Constable: Teachers who inspired me to rise above.

13 years with my dad, and 8 with my maternal grandfather. For some reason I was more influenced by them than you might imagine since they were only alive when I was so young.

A mom who taught me right from wrong and did the best she knew how in very trying circumstances.

The in-laws who have always been there and been very supportive.

The teenagers I work with on a daily basis who are some of the most creative and inspiring people I know. The world cheats itself by their stereotypical view of teens.

The staff of people I work with in the student ministry department, in large part because they see ministering to teenagers in relevant ways is more important than job security or any heat we might take.

This could go on forever, but when you seriously start thinking about writing "The National Football League" (best described by Lisa Simpson as "the savage ballet that is professional football") maybe you'd better stop...

Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody! I lead a charmed life...


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